Child - A small humanoid figure which walks up to you and does a small melee attack.You will come across the Rock Golem, Greater Wisp, Jellyfish and Black Imp enemies in this level, as well as: A green circle will follow you around, which will indicate the location the missiles are aimed at. It has several attacks which utilise items that you can collect, including a long-range electricity orb and tracking missiles. You will see two small eyes appear at ground level, then the Scavenger will pop out of the ground. Scavenger - (at the later difficulty levels (insane+) this will spawn and can spawn on any level, however you may not see it until the final level if you are quick to run through the levels).You'll see a little fire indicator on the floor before the lightning strikes, so keep an eye out for this to avoid it. Ancient Wisp - This boss cannot teleport or jump, it will float over to you and summon lightning at your location.In terms of bosses, you'll find the Magma Worm as well as: Mushrum - Slightly similar to the jellyfish in terms of attacks, the 'Mushrum' walks up to you and does an AOE attack on your location.Be aware of this so you can dodge out of the way when they teleport to your location.

They can teleport short distances to appear on top of you, then will do a melee attack.

Similar to the jellyfish, floats towards you and shoots orbs which track your movement, so take care to keep your distance. Wandering Vagrant - the most common boss to spawn on this level once you activate the portal.You may also come across the following bosses: Jellyfish - slowly float towards you and 'pulse' on top of you to shock you and do damage.When they get within a certain distance of you they shoot a medium-range fireball in your direction, so shoot them from further away or jump to avoid this delayed attack. The basic wisp enemy is yellow/orange and the more powerful enemy is green. Wisp / Greater Wisp - Looks like a ball of flame.

Rock Golem - Large rock creatures which run up to you and 'clap', doing moderate melee damage.Lemurians - small purple creatures, very weak and easily defeated.There are five enemy types which will spawn in this level: